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Quick Checkpoints To Keep In Mind Before Getting Your Hands On An ERP software

 If you happen to have a manufacturing business of engineering goods or plastic products, you might have multiple levels of production and units in your business. So, you have and Engineering or Plastics manufacturing business; if you haven’t implemented an Engineering ERP software or Plastics ERP software for your business yet, you might as well give a solid thought to it! Choosing the right ERP software for your manufacturing business can be a tricky decision. There are many complex pieces of information that needs to be managed within a manufacturing unit, thus a solid Engineering ERP or Plastics ERP should be the need of the hour. Now, how would you choose an ERP solution for your business? There are few pointers which could be kept in mind while selecting the right ERP software for your business and industry.

  • Budget

Budget must always be considered while going for an ERP software for your business. However, opting cheap software might end up doing more harm than profit. It must always be kept in mind that if more resources and time in being taken up to run the ERP oftware effectively, it has been a wrong decision.
ERP consultant could be utilised here to help out with the budget decisions for ERP software too.
  • Functions

Given the fact that there are numerous activities and functions running inside a business, the right ERP software must be chosen accordingly. A considerable amount of thought must be given when buying an ERP software which can deal with all the functions of your business – from inventory management, freight, quality control, finance to customer relations – thus, providing a wholesome benefit to your business.
Some ERP softwares are capable of handling large functionalities of bigger organizations which might be too much for your business. In that case, you must choose wisely and go for an ERP software which handles all the functionalities of your business. Paying for what you might not need or is unimportant will weigh down on your other costs!
  • Industry

Few ERP softwares are built for specific industries, like Manufacturing or Textiles, where you must check if that’s what you need for your business. If an industry specific ERP is not available for your business, you must take great care to choose a package which is designed to suit all kinds of businesses.
Engineering ERP or Plastics ERP, for example, will come as customised product and not many changes would be needed. This way you pay for what you actually need!

  • ERP Consultant

Expertise matters!
Having said that, once you decide you need an ERP solution for your business, do not underestimate the ERP consultant and his views. More often than not, you might skip the nitty-gritty of your business requirement which might fall in line with the kind of ERP software you must go with; he would have a sharp eye to the details, thus helping you to figure out which ERP software to go for!

He would be able to suggest the requirements for implementing the ERP software and also the kind of training the staff must need to efficiently use the software post implementation. Choosing the right ERP software could be an uphill task. Keeping in mind the above mentioned checkpoints, you could zero-in on the best available vendors for your business requirements and hire an ERP consultant to seek advice on the final decision.


Healthcare ERP implementation in pharmaceutical businesses is as important as the industry itself.

There is immense competition in the healthcare industry which explains why it is absolutely important for the pharmaceuticals companies/hospitals to incorporate ERP software to improve their services.

In any health care institution, there are many services run by various department simultaneously which needs to be streamlined for efficiency in the operations. This is because the health care industry strives to efficiently improve quality and operations while lowering the costs and optimizing the back-end operations. 
Once you have selected the right Pharmaceutical ERP for your institution, you would wonder how to implement it to provide higher quality in terms of services to your patients (or customers).
You might want to hire experts who would handle the implementation process or an ERP consultant who would advice on the best model that could be implemented. You could also outsource the entire project to development firms who have the best people for this kind of job and you get the best results.
Thus, it will reduce the cost sustainably in the long run.

What should be your intentions while incorporating pharmaceutical ERP software?

  • On-demand Service
There are thousands of activities going on in your hospital and keeping a track of everything manually could be quite a task!
With the world moving forward to automated services and online activities, having a healthcare ERP in place will give you an upper-hand in your efficiency levels. Booking appointments and following up with the reports will be easier.
Even booking appointments can be a lot smoother process based on the availability of the doctors.

  • All-round patient care
Healthcare is no longer bound to the operation theatre or treatment of the ailment. It is more of a wholesome approach from treatment to recovery process which makes it even more competitive in nature. Patients have a variety of options while choosing the best institution for their health issue. The factor that plays an important role here is how technologically forward the institution is. With a sound software installed, admissions, treatment, recovery, billing and all the other data with be smoothly accessible thus making the entire process efficient.

  • Trimmed Operational costs
Optimum implementation of technology will help reduce the overhead costs. Various departments like Administration, Finance, Healthcare, Inventory, etc can be centralised and would require far lesser people to manage.

  • Better Recordkeeping
With thousands of patients and even more overlapping cases, keeping a record of each data is a tedious task. With a solid ERP in place, fetching data will be a lot easier. ERP system logically stores patient data and makes it reporting easier too.
Let the piles of folders be a ‘thing of the past’ in your hospital now!

  • Decision Support system
Access of real-time data will be made easier with the implementation of Pharmaceutical ERP. Real-time data and the reporting thereof becomes smoother, helping the authorities take proper decisions about patient care.
This lowers the chances of miscommunication as well.

Healthcare ERP solutions can be customized based on the industry or the size of your institution. This, in turn, gives you a competitive edge over your rivals in the business. ERP solutions are a necessity now.
Lack of updated technology might make you lag behind and lose few patients. Why let that happen when implementing consolidated software can make you their hospital of choice.


You mostly run late for month end financial reconciliations. Sales forecasts are far from reality and have resulted more from solid predictions. Orders are always lagging behind, thus leaving customers scoffing and dissatisfied. Inventory management is always haywire and sorting that out is too much of a task.
Does it sound familiar- like your business or close to it? If you’re nodding your head in agreement, maybe it’s time you consider investing in an ERP system.
Every company is unique in its ways and services, thus there is no single index which directs you to decide on getting an ERP. However, if the problems faced along with the glitches and disarray resonates with those of others as well, ERP software can be applied to reap benefits. If you happen to be one of those suffering from the above-mentioned issues, read on to know the five most alarming signs saying your company needs Best ERP software.
1) You Have Numerous Softwares for Various Processes
When you think of the employees at your company from different departments, do you find anything in common? Do you recall how they record, track or process information? Do the accounts department use one system for receivables and payables and the sales department use a different one to record customer orders? Is processing all the data from entering them to recording and transferring into database a time consuming and a tedious and manual process? And do the inventory and warehousing follow a completely different procedure for the stocking as well as shipment?
Organizations must run on same plane along with all the different departments running along with, although separately. For the smooth run of the entire business, the front-end and back-end process must run in accordance with each other. Data from one department requires to be fed to another for the continuous flow of information and thus creating a ripple effect in the business surrounding. Lack of that may tend to inaccurate and/or redundant data all across the records creating havoc in marketing budgets to payroll.
For example, if you have a Plastic manufacturing company, how would you collaborate across departments? With a Plastic ERP Solution, each of these departments are consolidated and indexed to one database making it more accurate and authentic. One source of information, in the form of one database, makes it real-time and the software allows the information to pass in the form of packets with lesser chances of logjams. With lesser manual work and one place integration of all data, the employees free their time for better work.
2) You Find It Difficult To Access All Information About Your Business
What if one fine day you need to know the average inventory? Or want a report to be prepared on the average sales in the last quarter of the year a certain employee joined? There are many such key performance metrics which could help portray a picture about your business. For businesses which are more manual in nature would take up more time to convert into a report.
Suppose you own an Engineering parts manufacturing company, there would be multiple processes running simultaneously and you would definitely need an Engineering ERP Solution to have a bird’s eye view of each levels.
The processes in a company are continuous in nature and must keep moving at a standard pace for successful running of the company. For this to happen, the employees would require access to key data at all times to have a holistic view of the operations at any given time. For example, operations executives should be able to view the inventory along with the order quantity requirements from each vendor along with the payable and receivables related to each vendor.
3) It Takes Up More Time In Accounting
The earliest signs hinting towards getting ERP software for your company could be from the accounts department. When the employees still practice the age old procedure of manually recording from paper-based invoices and sales orders and take up weeks entering them into various processes in different departments, you might consider getting your hands on ERP software.
Similarly, when financial reporting includes numerous of weeks of cross-posting information and reconciliation of data manually from umpteen spreadsheets, it sure does say something about wasting a lot of time. This time could be well utilised for other productive work.

4) Sales And Customer Service Is Way Below Expectations
With a growing company grows the inventory too. Managing the inventory is a herculean task in itself.
Sales, inventory and customer data must be entwined cleverly to give a wonderful customer service and grow business. Unless all the data pertaining to these departments are consolidated, relevant, real-time and accurate information cannot be provided at all times.
With ERP system, all the information are accessible from one place and staff handling vendors, customers as well internal inventory can answer all queries with utmost accuracy. It also serves as a dashboard wherein the inventory level can be viewed in real-time, giving the warehouse manager an option to reorder as and when required without fail.
5) The IT Gets Too Complex To Handle
Having multiple departments in a business can become a mesh of data transfers and backups from various departments. Integrating them while managing the patches and upgrade work without affecting the time and resources negatively is quite a task!
If on-premise and legacy business software is a part of your patchwork system, system upgrades can be a nightmare if not efficiently handled. Their updates are expensive and they are time-consuming apart from overriding the previously applied customizations with each upgrade. No wonder more than half of mid-sized businesses run outdated versions of business softwares.
Instead of adding troubles to the already complex IT scenario of the business, a cloud based ERP technology can provide both efficiency and agility to the changing business growth and changing needs.